4 reasons Reading is a key UK technology hub
14 Aug, 201910 minsMention Reading in the same breath as Silicon Valley to those outside the tech industry an...

Mention Reading in the same breath as Silicon Valley to those outside the tech industry and you might be met with a few raised eyebrows. ‘Reading, Berkshire?’ They’ll probably respond. ‘Really?’
Well yes, really. Because, although Reading may not have an infinite supply of sunshine and vegan matcha lattes, like Silicon Valley, the town is absolutely dripping with technology jobs. Here are four reasons why Reading deserves its reputation as a leading technology hub:
1. With one in five businesses in Reading being classed as tech enterprises,[1] and a density of tech companies that’s roughly seven times the national average,[2] Reading is a red-hot location for jobs in tech.
2. Tech businesses in the ‘Reading cluster’ (which includes nearby Bracknell) turn over more than £13 billion a year.[3] That’s roughly three billion vegan matcha lattes.
3. Tech big guns with offices in the Reading area include Microsoft, Oracle, Huawei, Cisco Systems, Nvidia and Symantec. This attracts yet more tech firms to the area – because if there’s one thing tech companies want (aside from world domination, of course) it’s to recruit from a ready-made, highly skilled pool of talent.
4. The local University of Reading means there’s a constant supply of up-and-coming talent in the area. With employers like Microsoft nearby, who needs to move to London?
At Roc Search, we’ve zero doubt that Reading is the lifeblood of the UK’s tech sector, and a key place for technology recruitment. We’ve known this since 2007, when we founded our recruitment company in Reading. And even though we’ve since expanded to seven international locations, Reading is still home to our head office. As technology recruitment specialists, there’s nowhere we’d rather be.
For the most exciting jobs in tech, or to learn more about our technology recruitment service, head over to our website.
[1] Source: Reading rated the UK’s top technology centre, Living Reading
[2] Source: Digital tech business, Tech Nation
[3] Source: Reading is one of the best tech towns in the country, In Your Area