The UK’s tech job market continues to grow

10 mins

It’s been a tough summer for businesses and job hunters, but one part of the job marke...

It’s been a tough summer for businesses and job hunters, but one part of the job market is rebounding faster than others. No, we’re not talking about jobs making hand sanitiser (although we’re sure business is pretty good in that sector). We’re talking about UK technology jobs.


The number of tech vacancies is on the up

According to data from Tech Nation, the number of advertised tech vacancies rose by 36% between June and August. The UK’s digital tech sector advertised more than 90,000 jobs per week in August 2020 – second only to the healthcare sector. And while the number of technology vacancies hasn’t yet returned to pre-lockdown levels, there’s no doubt the tech sector is bucking the wider job market trend. What’s more, the median salary for tech jobs is significantly higher than the non-tech median.

As you might expect, software developer is the most in-demand tech role – so much so that software developer now counts among the top five most sought-after roles in UK cities, alongside nurses and social care workers. Let that sink in for a moment. It’s a big deal.

Not a software developer? Don’t worry. Jobs requiring cloud, AI and cyber-security skills are also in demand, alongside client services, product management and data ethics roles.


Why is tech holding strong?

It makes sense, when you think about the broader trajectory in tech jobs. The number of technology jobs has been climbing sharply for the last two years, rising by 40% to a total of almost 3 million employees, according to the same Tech Nation data. In some of the UK’s biggest cities, the technology sector accounts for more than a fifth of the workforce – and looking at the whole of the UK workforce, tech accounts for 9% overall.

The pandemic may have temporarily dented that trajectory, but there’s no stopping the digital acceleration that’s underway. In many ways, lockdown emphasised the importance of technology, with entire workforces rapidly switching to remote working and enthusiastically adopting digital communication technologies (as proven by the number of Zoom invites in your inbox). It’s no wonder the tech sector was one of the first to begin hiring again.


The future is bright

The tech sector is rebounding with confidence, and that means it’s a great time to look for your next technology job or hire. Roc Search’s team of technology recruitment specialists is here to help. Get in touch today to find out how we can help.


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